Park Bridge Building January-February 2013
Week of 1.14.13
Ramp on the south side completed
At Left:     First sight after south ramp 
                 completed, walking east on the
                 south side to Yellowleaf Creek

At Right:  Posts and metal anchors. Bring 
                 on the high water - that bridge    
                 ain't going nowhere!

Below:     On the deck looking at south end 
Below:    Walking west on the north side, back from Yellowleaf Creek.
                Really nice views ... can't wait to see the finished bridge!

At Right:   The little bridge that could - one day it might
                   grow up to be a big bridge!  
                  (Located at the main park entrance off of 
                  Sweet Gum Drive - built in Summer 2012).
Week of 1.21.13 thru 2.4.13
Work on north ramp underway. 
Bridge being stained with a
beautiful cedar shade.

Pending work: railings

As of 2.9.13  
Ramp on the north side completed

A Great Big Thank You  to our talented builders for their time, sweat and devotion to this wonderful project:  

       •  Bob Kelley (team leader)
       •  Paul Garmon
       •  Dave Garner
       •  Matt Mellen

Additional thanks to Charlie Pope (design consultation) and volunteers James Green, Pam Kimball, Brenda Mellen & Philip Patel.  

As of 2.25.13  
Six large railings installed - and what a difference it makes!  

This is one classy, beautiful bridge!