Dogwood Creek Park Grand Opening 
May 5, 2013
It began with opening comments from Brenda Mellen, HOA Vice President and Park Project Manager, who also thanked and recognized supporters, volunteers and board members. 

Pam Kimball, HOA Secretary, spoke about resident wishes from a February 2012 survey and the direction to keep the woodland area as natural as possible, protecting native plant species and wildlife.  The new park is therefore dedicated to two groups: (1) Nature in all of her beauty, and (2) Yellowleaf residents who can use the park to live a healthly lifestyle, restore their spirit from the rigors of modern day life ... most importantly, to our children, who can learn from and grow with the park in so many ways. 

Paul Garmon, HOA President then cut the Grand Opening ribbon with garden clippers (how appropriate!) to officially open the park.

Food was served, including: fresh grilled cheeseburgers & hotdogs, baked beans, potato salad, Asian salad, chips & dips, a variety of delicious cookies and a very LARGE cake with beautiful dogwood blossom decorations.

A blessing for the park was given by Mike Densmore, Pastor at the First United Methodist Church of Alabaster, and Yellowleaf resident.

A neighborhood band - Twice for Good Measure -  led by Blake Smith entertained us, and an Amazing Race kicked off for two different age groups of kids.  Race activities were held all over the east end of the park. Thanks to Terri Adema, Board Member, for organizing and conducting this fun-filled effort!

A park tour was conducted by Pam Kimball, which included a special christening of the new Willow Crossing bridge done by Sally Kelley.  She is the wife of Bob Kelley who was the team leader for the construction effort.

Supporters who purchased a dedicated park bench or table were able to view their contribution in its new park setting.  (This is an ongoing fundraising effort - persons interested can get more information under Park Furniture.)

And finally, door prizes were awarded to attendees; the grand prize Pup Tent went to lucky Lori Cheney!
